The perfect excuse


Buying your first home is a cocktail of stress, confusion and pure elation. Although, at times, you feel like you’re blindlessly stumbling over hurdle after hurdle getting more confused and disheartened with each step, once the keys are in your hand it’s so exciting you feel like you might just pop.

James and I got to the ‘popping’ stage in November, when we became the proud owners of a small two bed terrace house (!) and, aside from plaster falling off the walls, rotting skirting boards and an electrical system that basically means having a shower is dangerous, it’s perfect.

lightbulb light


We’ve wanted our own place for a while now so as soon as we got in, we began giving our little new home the attention it deserved! We’ve been super busy sanding, demolishing, plastering and painting so much so that, although I am now officially a DIY goddess in the making (please, no need for applause), I’ve had hardly any time to do anything else (hence my radio silence!)!


However, now that the plaster dust is beginning to settle and each room is becoming more usable my attention is beginning to turn back to all things craft. How do I make a pair of curtains? Should I make my own rug? How many handmade cushions can I fit on our new sofa?! Our new home is the perfect excuse for so many crafting projects, it’s so exciting it’s almost unbearable!

Posts about room transformations and attempted home craft projects here I come!

2 thoughts on “The perfect excuse

  1. Pingback: Mums are the best | Hook, Knit and Stitch

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