Motivation = Difficult

I’m not sure about you but sometimes … in fact, most of the time at the moment, it’s really difficult to motivate myself to do anything. Whether it’s making myself a tasty dinner (cereal is so much easier!), knitting that cushion I said I’d make ages ago, or just getting up to go to the loo (don’t worry guys, I do eventually, I just sit there thinking about it for a while!). Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that finding motivation is … difficult.

So why am I telling you this? Well I feel like things need to change. I need to do more things I enjoy and stop vegging out so much (although that is enjoyable in itself sometimes!). This week I vow to do one crafty thing and one non-crafty thing that I enjoy doing. And I’m going to do it for me. Just me. Maybe everyone who is feeling a little unmotivated should do the same?

I’ll report back at the end of the week but in the meantime wish me luck!

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