Filet crochet bunny blanket (for a beautiful baby!)

When I found out my best friend Sam was having a new baby girl, I knew I wanted to make her something extra special. It was then that I spotted the Filet Crochet Bunny Blanket on the beautiful Instagram holly_pips (take a look – Holly’s blanket colour combos are just so dreamy!).

I couldn’t get it out of my head. I’d never tried filet crochet before, but after much deliberation I decided to give it a go. And I’m so glad I did!

Red Heart filet crochet bunny baby blanket finished project

Filet crochet, sometimes known as pixel crochet, involves working a series of gaps and blocks to create a pattern. After initially not realising I’d picked up a US pattern (so dc didn’t quite mean what I thought it meant, which almost resulted in me launching the whole thing off my balcony before I worked it out), I was soon hooking along just fine.

It’s quite a simple technique to pick up, though it’s initially a bit tricky getting the tension right and remembering to pull out the stitches to create tall enough squares. You can see at the bottom of my blanket that it got a teensy bit puckered while I was still getting the hang of it, but once I’d given the whole thing a wash it was far less noticeable! The pattern also gave me a chance to crochet my very first border, which gave the whole thing a really polished look.

For my blanket, I used Sirdar Hayfield Baby Aran in Cream. It was beautiful to work with and washed really well; it was only after I finished that I realised it definitely needed to be machine washable seeing as it was for a newborn and a busy mum, and luckily it was!

Unfortunately I never got around to taking many pictures, but here’s one that really shows off the pattern.

Red Heart filet crochet bunny baby blanket, draped over back of sofa.

And here’s one last one of a happy little me with the blanket all wrapped up just before gifting it to Sam.

Holding Red Heart filet crochet bunny baby blanket, all wrapped up!

Have you tried filet crochet? Or even this pattern? I’d love to see – if you have one, share a link to your project in the comments below!