Home alone


A couple of weeks ago I was left … home alone. Now although I don’t usually get up to the kind of antics Kevin McCallister would get up to when left to my own devices, I don’t usually fair well. Usual home alone activities involve sitting, eating lots of cereal, moping around and more sitting. I don’t know why I do it but there’s something about James not being around (don’t get big-headed about this James!) that makes me feel a bit glum and like there’s not much point in doing … well, anything.

The other week was different though. The other week I managed to buck the trend. Ok, it didn’t start well – I decided to bike to work thinking it was sunny only to turn up to work drenched, grouchy and late – I vouched to pick myself up though and get on with stuff and that’s exactly what I did. Most notably, I made some progress with my crochet blanket, so much so that I now have six complete squares! Six! Yes … there’s still a fair few more to go before I can make my lovely throw … but every single square feels like a mini achievement so imagine what I’m going to feel like at the end!

crochet squares2

crochet squares1

Oh and the productiveness didn’t stop there (that’s right, hold on to your hats guys!), I also managed to get started on painting the living room door! At the moment, all the doors in the house are looking rather sad, having been unsuccessfully stripped of their previously painted exterior. And if the remaining specks of paint are anything to go by these doors have been through some rough times. Greens, purples and blues (and not nice ones at that) – we’ve decided a classic white might make them feel a bit happier. So, sand paper and paint brush at the ready I made a start and they are already looking much more classy!


So all in all I had a pretty productive week despite the fact that I was home alone (yay!). Fingers crossed, my new productive attitude is here to stay – with James off again next week to do a couple more lovely wall murals we’ll soon find out …