Mums are the best

Cushion pattern

Mums are the best. Well, my mum certainly is. She’s always there when I need her (no matter what), puts up with my variable moods, rants and moans, and has this uncanny knack of being able to read my mind.

Today, my mum sent me a parcel in the post. This has happened before. In times of self neglect I have received little hand creams, lip balms and self indulgent magazines – little pick me ups to get me back on track and into the positive swing of things. Today though, she’s really excelled herself. In my package (kindly delivered by the postman at 7.45am!) I found some green and blacks chocolate for James (because he’s been working so hard), a fiver from my dad (with the request that I buy some scratch cards – he wants to try his luck here in Exeter!), the Claypole newsletter (just so I know what we are not missing out on back home) and the most beautiful handmade cushion!

Cushion on seat

Now let me explain. As I’ve mentioned before, me and James have just bought our first home which means that, among other things, we are busy doing a whole lot of decorating! One particular room we have been focusing on is the living room. After plastering, sanding and painting it’s really starting to take shape and, as part of the overhaul, we decided to treat ourself to a brand new sofa! Now this might seem like a bit of a luxury and I guess it is (!) but it also seemed rather essential. The past couple of years we’ve been living with a second hand futon and although it works (i.e. you can sit and sleep on it) it’s getting to the point where you would rather not. Both of our parents have made a few comments now on it’s…inadequacy…so now we have a brand new sofa bed with memory foam mattress on it’s way (YAY!).

Cushion on seat2

Our idea with this sofa is that we will fill it with lots of interesting and colourful cushions and as soon as my mum heard about this, she decided she wanted to make me one. I didn’t ask her to do this, she just did it … and she did it really well. The cushion I received in the post this morning is beautiful. The colours are just perfect and I love the 1970s vibe it gives off. There’s something about knitted cushions that just make me want to snuggle up with some fruit tea and watch a film. This one does just that, but it’s so much better than those you can buy in the shops. It was knitted by my mum. Now I can’t wait to get our new sofa just so I can put my squishy new cushion on it!

Thanks mum, you are the best.